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Host | On the Table

Are you interested in hosting an On the Table conversation but not sure what’s involved? Anyone can be a host - sometimes, all it takes is a gentle nudge and a good excuse to come together. If you can embrace your vulnerability with hosting, you set the right tone for real conversations.


Real conversation is what helps us all feel known, understood, and encouraged. Use our resources and tips below to help guide you! 

Register to Host a Table

Being a host is easy and fun! You can be the person who gets good things started. Hosting is the first step to doing something great in the city!


Before you register for your Table, you will be asked to become a member of this site.

Complete Training

The training will provide the steps and tips for planning and hosting your On the Table event successfully. It is vital that you complete training to host your Table. The training is also an easy way to stay up to date on all the hosting how-tos.


If you have trouble accessing the site, please contact tech support that is located at the bottom of the screen after you click the Start Training button below:

Start Training

(Coming Soon)

Plan Your Table

We have plenty of materials to help you host a successful conversation. Check back frequently as we add new materials leading up to On the Table week.


The resources include general conversation prompts to help things flow smoothly, answers, and helpful tips we've collected from hosts just like you. We've also included resources and graphics that will help you to promote your Table and invite guests.

Plan Table
Take the Survey

We encourage you and your guests to share your thoughts and experiences with us during and after the event. The survey will be open the week of March 3rd and stay open for two weeks following On The Table, but the sooner you complete it, the better.


In fact, as hosts, we hope you will invite your guests to complete the survey before they leave your Table.

(Available during On the Table)

Take Action

As the host, we hope you will facilitate the conversation to help your guests think of ways to take action on opportunities or challenges they discuss. It would be ideal if each guest could come up with at least two actionable ideas they can do following On The Table.


The Community Foundation of Central Georgia, with the support of the Knight Foundation, will offer a mini-grant program for ideas that require a little seed funding to get started.

(Available after On the Table)

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