Your Voice Matters. On the Table needs you! Take the Survey.

Removing the Obstacles to the Rise of Pleasant Hill: Pedestrian Safety
Public Safety/Police/Crime
November 16 - 20, 2020 | On the Table
Event Page Link
About Hopin
Due to the pandemic, we will be hosting On the Table 2020 virtually. is the virtual platform we have chosen to offer an intimate online experience similar to an in-person discussion. Similar to Zoom, Hopin has multiple interactive areas that are optimized for connecting and engaging.

*** Must have a desktop or laptop with Chrome Browser or Firefox to participate
What is On the Table
On the Table is a one of a kind opportunity to bring people of diverse backgrounds together to have meaningful conversations about topics that are important to the community. This community-wide initiative seeks to explore the ways in which we have the power to collaborate to make our community stronger, safer, and more dynamic.
Following On the Table, the Community Foundation of Central Georgia will survey participants to find out what issues matter most to them and what kinds of ideas for solutions emerged from the day’s conversations. We’ll also help to share some stories of participants to help inspire others to make a difference.
This initiative would not be possible without the generous funding of the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation.
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